The Ayurvedic Cuisine

The world’s best!

The Ayurvedic cuisine is considered to be the best in the world. The food not only satisfies the body but improves mental and emotional well-being as well. Such a holistic meal is a compilation of different flavors and forms the basis for optimal digestion, increased life energy and stable health. Hyperacidity plays crucial role in the illnesses common today and an important focal point in creating the diet during Panchakarma is to therefore eliminate or reduce acidity.

Even non-vegetarians are delighted by our versatile and delicious vegetarian cuisine. The diet is prepared entirely on an ayurvedic-vegetarian basis and is adapted to the various therapies but is not considered to be fasting.


Place of preparation

It goes without saying that a professionally equipped kitchen is the most important basis for the Ayurvedic cuisine to develop its full potential. The energy of the kitchen space plays just as much a role as the “energy” of the people who cook holistic meals here for you.


Sattva energy in the food

Ayurveda works on the premise that the world is controlled by three fundamental forces: Tamas, Rajas and Sattva. Sattvic energy is directed upwards and directly conveys the lightness of being. After enjoying one of our lunches, you would still be able to sit at your desk and work out a complicated maths problem. This would, however, be difficult after consuming a hamburger, a steak or a cheese fondue because these dishes produce the downwardly mobile Tamasic energy.
Our dishes are freshly prepared each day in accordance with all the criteria that ensure optimum Sattvic energy. Even immediately after eating, one feels energetic, satisfied and content.


Our dining room

Eating together is a beautiful symbol of the living community. A short prayer and the silent enjoyment of meals are typical of the Ayurvedic philosophy. Focus on your food and absorb the energy of the dining room and your body will thank you.


Cooking classes

The dining room is also the place where our cooking classes are held every two to three weeks by one of our Centre’s cooking experts. In this setting, you can learn to perfectly prepare various Ayurvedic dishes, for example, chai tea, chapatis or Ayurvedic ghee which can then be easily introduced into your own kitchen at home.


Ayurvedic vegetarian lunch

Would you like to just try this wonderful cuisine? Delicious and mouth-watering aromas pervade our Centre, especially at lunch time, and we would love to welcome you to enjoy an Ayurvedic lunch with us. Reserve a seat at our guest table and join us any day at 12.30 p.m!


Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?

Then please call us, Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00 o´clock!
Telephone: +49 7949 - 590

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