Alphabetical Information

At a glance…


The consumption of alcohol is not permitted during your stay.

Arrival & Departure
You can plan to arrive on any working day (Monday – Friday).
Your room will be available on the day of your arrival from 12.00 noon and your official stay starts with lunch at 12.30 pm. We would suggest that you plan to arrive between 11.00 and 12.00 o’clock. Please let us know if you are going to be delayed.
On the day of departure we would request that you vacate your room by 10.00 am.

Ayurvedic lunch
By appointment is possible to join us for lunch every day at 12.30 pm. You are warmly invited to eat as much as you want (or can!) for 20,-€ . Lunch also includes a hot cup of tea. Take a look here! Read more



During our boutique opening hours you can not only shop for books, CDs, and incense but for a variety of Ayurveda products for the kitchen and body care. A visit here is certainly always worthwhile!



We use a lot of oil in our massages and it may happen that clothing comes in contact with the oil after your massage. Although the oil stains can, for the most part, be removed by washing, we do recommend that you bring older items of clothing & underwear to be worn during and after treatment. This includes swimwear to be used for the steam bath.

Would you like to contact us? All of our contact details can be found here.



Getting here
An enjoyable stay at a health resort begins with a comfortable journey. Here you will find all the information on how to get to AUM Healing Centre.

Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, so please read these reviews from some of our guests.

Gift coupons
Give your loved ones something special. Our vouchers can be issued for a specific occasion or treatment or simply for a specific amount of money. We’ll be happy to advise you!



Internet Access
WiFI is available only in the reception area and not in the rooms. In addition, our library is equipped with a laptop with internet access which is available for use by our guests.



During your stay we would like to advise you as the most of the menstrual process. We see this time as a natural rejuvenation process in which every woman should allow herself as much rest and relaxation as possible.

Music Therapy and Meditation
Meditation is a method by which one can find a direct path to the inner Self, develop one’s more positive aspects and strive to eliminate the negative. The meditation technique practiced in our Centre incorporates meditative and music-therapy elements. Learn more



Opening hours
Our Reception is open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 12.00 o’clock. During these hours we are also available by telephone.



Free private parking is available at the front door.

Unfortunately it is not possible to bring pets to the Centre.

You can contribute greatly to the optimal effectiveness of the therapy by implementing a light diet at home one week before your arrival. Ideally, only small amounts of easily digestible food, e.g. vegetable soups, should be eaten in the evenings prior to 9 pm.

Prices & Conditions
All information with regard to prices, conditions and cancellation regulations can be found here.



A description of the available rooms and facilities can be found here: Welcome! Please come in!



The entire Centre is a smoke-free zone. The bringing and use of drugs is strictly prohibited.



We are sure that you would like to get to know our team of competent and committed co-workers. Let us introduce you to them here.


Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions?

Then please call us, Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 12.00 o´clock!
Telephone: +49 7949 - 590

If you prefer to use our contact form or email, please click here.